Brief: Put Duolingo into the hands of 16-22 year olds.
Everyone loves swearing.
When you start to learn a language, one of the first things you look up is all of the swear words. Duolingo wants to capture this natural curiosity to encourage young people to pick up their phones and download the app.

Put your mouth where your money is.
The Swear Jar
Let’s launch Duolingo’s new swear words bonus lesson with an interactive public activation where users can scan the jar and recive the word to swear.
The Swear Jar
Let’s launch Duolingo’s new swear words bonus lesson with an interactive public activation where users can scan the jar and recive the word to swear.

Using voice recognition technology, users will be rewarded with real money to swear.
It’s time to talk dirty with Duo.
The bonus level “swear words” will then be launched.

Sign up and
start swearing.
Unlock the new lesson for free using our ads.
start swearing.
Unlock the new lesson for free using our ads.

We’ll place OOH ads in places where
you might want to swear.
you might want to swear.

Need motivation?
We took inspiration from Duo’s constantly memed passive aggressive notifications and took it to a new level.
We took inspiration from Duo’s constantly memed passive aggressive notifications and took it to a new level.

Share the Shock
We sent Tik Tok stars some of those notifications and filmed their reactions to get everyone talking.

Want to try it out?
Take the first french lesson here.